Music For Writing
I usually blog over at seanmonaghan.blog, hosted on Wordpress, but their interface does not suit my temperatment (I want easy, not struggle), so I'm experimenting with duplicating the posts here.
I have a new ambient album out on the Zenapolae netlabel. Distant Skies by Venus Vulture. Available for free download here.
Four drifty, droney background tracks, an hour of music to slide away on. Like the old definition I'm always striving for: interesting enough to be engaging, discreet enough to be ignored. Brian Eno, I think, said that.
I took the cover photograph of three vultures during my last trip through Okalhoma. Vultures seem appropriate, given my band name, right? I'll be over in OK again later this year, visiting friends and family, finding more inspiration, and likely taking more photos.
I've mentioned elsewhere, as a writer, I loved having some soft ambient music playing while I wrote. But in those days, it was tricky to find, especially here in New Zealand. So I fooled around with making my own. Nowadays, given the pesky internet with its netlabels (like Zenapolae), and streaming services, there's plenty of ambient music around. I own and stream way too much. But I still have fun making it for myself, and it's cool to put it out there this way.
Thanks for listening.
Also, since I talked about writing, here's a link to a free downloadable short story on my shopify. Brickworks. Use the code "DistantSkies" (no gap) at checkout to get the discount of 100% off. Valid at least through to the end of 2025.
Thanks for reading.