Artie Beeline Meets Someone - New story out in Pulphouse Magazine #37

Artie Beeline Meets Someone - New story out in Pulphouse Magazine #37

Pulphouse Magazine is well-known for its quirky and off-beat stories and I hope mine is no exception. It's available now in the current issue.
I've been having fun writing stories that are out there at the limits, and it's cool that one has found a home right here among some great company.


"Artie Beeline Meets Someone"

Artie Beeline's home needs some work. A lot of work.
Kind of like his life.
If he can just find the right person for the job.
When a new neighbor moves into the street, the arrival might just throw Artie's plans into disarray.
Or solve all his problems.
No matter what, this will change Artie's life.


Available now directly from the Pulphouse Store, or through Amazon and other retailers.
As it happens, I've got another story coming out in a future issue too - 'Meeting Susanna'. I'll let you know when that one comes out.

A reminder too, my flash fiction story "Heading for Boise" is available as a free download from my store here. Through until the end of the year. Maybe that was a mistake, I mean, where's the urgency for anyone? Shouldn't I be doing this all a time-limited thing?

"Heading for Boise" is a promo, of course, for another recent magazine publication of mine - "Miatellan Bay" in Midnight Echo #19.

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